The Journals of the Botanical Society of the British Isles. Watsonia 8 (1970), 1-2
Crabbe, J.A., Jermy, A.C. & Walker, S. 1970. The distribution of Dryopteris assimilis S. Walker in Britain. Watsonia 8, 3-15
Jones, B.M.G. & Newton, L.E. 1970. The status of Puccinellia pseudodistans (Crep.) Jansen & Wachter in Great Britain. Watsonia 8, 17-26
Ball, P.W. & Brown, K.G. 1970. A biosystematic and ecological study of Salicornia in the Dee estuary. Watsonia 8, 27-40
Yeo, P.F. 1970. Euphrasia brevipila and E. borealis in the British Isles. Watsonia 8, 41-44
Short Notes. Watsonia 8 (1970), 45-49
- 97. Cardamine - Pollen. R.P. Ellis & B.M. Jones.
- 122/2. Elatine hydropiper L. - New to Scotland. E.T. Idle, J. Mitchell & A.McG. Stirling.
- 168/s. Geranium submolle Steud. (or G. core-core Steud.) - in the Channel Isles. D. McClintock.
- 506/4, 5 & 8. Senecio squalidus L., S. vulgaris L. and S. cambrensis Rosser. P. Crisp and B.M.G. Jones.
- 558/-. Hieracium - Two Hieracia Sect. Alpestria from the British mainland. J.N. Mills & J.R.J. Mills.
Webb, D.A. 1970. The Irish vice-counties. Watsonia 8, 51
Plant Records. Watsonia 8 (1970), 53-61
Book reviews. Watsonia 8 (1970), 63-68
Obituaries. Watsonia 8 (1970), 69-74
- Kathleen Bever Blackburn, by D.H. Valentine
- Humphrey Gilbert-Carter (1884-1969), by H. Godwin and T.G. Tutin
Reports. Watsonia 8 (1970), 75-95
Kenneth, A.G. & Stirling, A.M. 1970. Notes on the Hawkweeds (Hieracium sensu lato) of Western Scotland. Watsonia 8, 97-120
Roberts, R.H. 1970. A revision of some of the txonomic characters of Polypodium australe Fee. Watsonia 8, 121-134
Ockendon, D.J. & Walters, S.M. 1970. Studies in Potentilla anserina L. Watsonia 8, 135-144
Cannon, J.F.M. & Bangerter, E.B. 1970. Plant records from Mull and the adjacent small islands. 2. Watsonia, 8: 145-153
Schroeder F.-G. (1970) Exotic Amelanchier species naturalised in Europe and their occurrence in Great Britain; Watsonia 8: 155-162
Short Notes. Watsonia 8 (1970), 163-164
Plant Records. Watsonia 8 (1970), 165-167
Book Reviews. Watsonia 8 (1970), 168-180
Obituary: John William Heslop-Harrison (1881-1967), by J.A. Richardson. Watsonia 8 (1970), 181-182
Reports: Field Meetings 1969. Watsonia 8, 183-194
Milne-Redhead, E. 1970. Presidential Address 1970: Botanical Conservation in Britain, past, present and future. Watsonia 8, 195-203
Ockendon, D.J. 1971. Taxonomy of the Linum perenne group in Europe. Watsonia 8, 205-235
Coles, S.M. 1971. The Ranunculus acris L. complex in Europe. Watsonia 8, 237-261
Rogers, S. 1971. Studies on British poppies 4. Some aspects of variability in the British species of Papaver and their relation to breeding mechanisms and ecology. Watsonia, 8: 263-276
Wegmueller, S. 1971. A cytotaxonomic study of Lamiastrum galeobdolon (L.) Ehrend. & Polatschek in Britain. Watsonia, 8, 277-288
Lees, D.R. 1971. Frequencies of pin and thrum plants in a wild population of the Cowslip, Primula veris L. Watsonia 8, 289-291
Short Notes. Watsonia 8 (1971) 293-301
Plant Records. Watsonia 8 (1971), 302-312
Book Reviews. Watsonia 8 (1971), 313-322
Reports. Watsonia 8 (1971), 323-338
Panel of Referees and Specialists. Watsonia 8 (1971), 339-344
Gill, J.J.B. & Walker, S. 1971. Studies on Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link with particular reference to the prostrate forms. Watsonia 8, 345-356
Pankhurst, R.J. 1971. Botanical Keys Generated by Computer. Watsonia 8, 357-368
Newton, A. 1971. Six brambles (Rubi) from the north Midlands. Watsonia 8, 369-377
Barling, D.M. 1971. Studies on Gloucestershire populations of Allium paradoxum (Bieb.) G. Don. Watsonia 8, 379-384
Kovanda, M. 1971. Observations on Phyteuma tenerum R. Schulz in England. Watsonia 8, 385-389
Stace, C.A. 1971. The Manchester Poplar. Watsonia 8, 391-393
Short Notes. Watsonia 8 (1971), 395-402
Plant Records. Watsonia 8 (1971), 403-411
Book Reviews. Watsonia 8 (1971), 412-422
Obituary: Beverley Alan Miles (1937-1970), by P.D. Sell & E.S. Edees. Watsonia 8, 423-424
Conference Report. Watsonia 8 (1971), 425-433
Perring, F.H. 1971. The vice-county guide. Watsonia 8, 435-447