Richards, A.J. & Swan, G.A. 1976. Epipactis leptochila (Godfery) Godfery and E. phyllanthes G. E. Sm. occurring in South Northumberland on lead and zinc soils. Watsonia 11, 1-5
Ubsdell, R.A.E. 1976. Studies on variation and evolution in Centaurium erythraea Rafn and C. littorale (D. Turner) Gilmour in the British Isles. 1. Taxonomy and biometrical studies. Watsonia 11, 7-31
Ubsdell, R.A.E. 1976. Studies on variation and evolution in Centaurium erythraea Rafn and C. littorale (D. Turner) Gilmour in the British Isles. 2. Cytology. Watsonia 11, 33-43
Edees, E.S. 1976. Notes on British Rubi, 4. Watsonia 11, 45-52
Scott, R. & Gray, A.J. 1976. Chromosome number of Puccinellia maritima (Huds.) Parl. in the British Isles. Watsonia 11, 53-57
David, R.W. 1976. Nomenclature of the British taxa of the Carex muricata L. aggregate. Watsonia 11, 59-65
Short Notes. Watsonia 11 (1976), 67-74
- Dipsacus strigosus Willd. in Cambridgeshire, v.c. 29. A.C. Leslie
- Rubus platyacanthus Muell. & Lefev. and its allies in Britain. A. Newton
- Notes on some wool-alien Cyperaceae from Blackmoor, N. Hants. T.B. Ryves
- Notes on some wool-alien Malvaceae. T.B. Ryves
- Notes on two alien Vulpias in Britain. C.A. Stace & R. Cotton
- Festuca glauca auct. and Festuca caesia Sm. P.J.O. Trist.
Mitchell, N.D. 1976. The status of Brassica oleracea L. subsp. oleracea (Wild Cabbage) in the British Isles. Watsonia 11, 97–103
Byatt, J.I. 1976. The structure of some Crataegus populations in north-eastern France and south-eastern Belgium. Watsonia 11, 105-115
Cobon, A.M. & Matfield, B. 1976. Morphological and cytological studies on a hexaploid clone of Potentilla anserina L. Watsonia 11, 125-129
Yeo P.F. 1976. Artifical hybrids between some European diploid species of Euphrasia. Watsonia 11, 131–135
Short Notes. Watsonia 11 (1976), 141-148
- Length and insertion of the filaments in Endymion. T.E.T. Bond.
- Chromosome numbers of British plants, 4. G.M. Fearn.
- Flower-basking by insects in Britain. A.J. Lack.
- Three species of Polygonaceae established in Britain. J.E. Lousley.
- Maritime species on roadside verges. P. Matthews & A.W. Davison.
- Rediscovery of Hymenophyllum wilsonii Hook. in Salop. J.R. Packham.
- Evaluation of roadside verges. H.A. Reeve.
Lord, R.M. & Richards, A.J. 1977. A hybrid swarm between the diploid Dactyloriza fuchsii and the tetraploid D. purpurella in Durham. Watsonia 11, 205-210
Morton, J.K. 1977. A cytological study of the Compositae (excluding Hieracium and Taraxacum) of the British Isles. Watsonia 11, 211-223
Newton, A. 1977. A review of Rubus section Discolores P.J. Muell. in Britain. Watsonia 11, 237-246
Randall, R.E. 1977. The past and present status and distribution of Sea Pea, Lathyrus japonicus WiIld., in the British Isles. Watsonia 11, 247-251
Notes. Watsonia 11 (1977), 253-257
- Rubus sprengelii Weihe in Scilly. D.E. Allen
- Carex polyphylla Kar. & Kir. and C. leersiana Rauschert. R.W. David & A.O. Chater.
- Chromosome numbers of British plants, 5. G.M. Fearn.
- Phyteuma scheuchzeri All. naturalized in Oxford. R.C. Palmer.
- White-flowered Bluebells (Endymion non-scriptus (L.) Garcke). R.W. Riding.
- Polygonum minus Huds. x P. persicaria in Anglesey. R.H. Roberts.
- Vulpia hybrida (Brot.) Pau, nomen ambiguum. C.A. Stace & R. Cotton.
Dony, J.G. 1977. J. Edward Lousley (1907-1976). Watsonia 11, 282-286
McClintock, D. 1977. J.E. Lousley and alien plants in the British Isles. Watsonia 11, 287-290
Conolly, A.P. 1977. The distribution and history in the British Isles of some alien species of Polygonum and Reynoutria. Watsonia 11, 291-311
Jury, S.L. 1977. The herbarium of J.E. Lousley. Watsonia 11, 312
Prince, S.D. & Carter, R.N. 1977. Prickly Lettuce (Lactuca serriola L.) in Britain. Watsonia 11, 331-338
Davis, B.N.K. 1977. The Hieracium flora of chalk and limestone quarries in England. Watsonia 11, 345-351
Short Notes. Watsonia 11 (1977), 373-389
- Carex spicata Huds. near Law, Lanark. E.M. & S.M. Bignal.
- Chromosome numbers of some Eurasian species of Crataegus. J.I. Byatt & B.G. Murray.
- Myriophyllum aquaticum (Velloso) Verdc. (M. brasiliense Camb.) in Britain. E. Chicken.
- A second station for Diapensia lapponica L. A.F. & S.M. Craven.
- The distribution of Carex montana L. in Britain. R.W. David.
- The Rubi of Sutherland. E.S. Edees.
- A new bramble of north-western England. A. Newton.
- Rubi common to the British Isles and north-western continental Europe. A. Newton & H.E. Weber.
- Peroxidase isozymes in some Elms (Ulmus L.) of eastern England. N.J. Pearce & R.H. Richens.
- Carduus pycnocephalus L. on Plymouth Hoe, S. Devon. E.N.M. Phillips.
- Viola rupestris Schmidt and Juncus alpinus Vill. in Mid-W. Yorkshire. F.J. Roberts.
- Cytological studies in Plantago coronopus L. B.S. Rushton.
- Pyrola minor L. in Pembrey Firest, Carmarthenshire. I.M. Vaughan.
Obituaries. Watsonia 11 (1977), 419-421
- J.E. Dandy, by J.F.M. Cannon.
- A.J. Souter, by M.M. Webster
- W.E. Warren, by J.E. Smith