Perring, F.H. A bridge too far - the non-Irish element in the British flora. Watsonia 21, 15-51
Akeroyd, J.R. 1996. Coastal ecotypic variants of two vetches, Vicia sepium L. and V. sylvatica L. (Fabaceae), in Britain and Ireland. Watsonia 21, 71-78
Grassly, N.C., Harris, S.A. & Cronk, Q.C.B. 1996. British Apium repens (Jacq.) Lag. (Apiaceae) status assessed using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Watsonia 21, 103-111
Hedren, M. 1996. The allotetraploid nature of Dactylorhiza praetermissa (Druce) Soo (Orchidaceae) confirmed. Watsonia 21, 113-118
Atkinson, M.D. 1996. The distribution and naturalisation of Lathraea clandestina in the British Isles. Watsonia 21, 119-128
Notes. Watsonia 21 (1996), 135-139
Rich, T.C.G. & Smith, P.A. 1996. Botanical recording, distribution maps and species frequency. Watsonia 21, 155-167
Birkinshaw, C.R. & Sanford, M.N. 1996. Pulmonaria obscura Dumort. (Boraginaceae) in Suffolk. Watsonia 21, 169-178
Callaghan, D.A. 1996. The conservation status of Lythrum hyssopifolia L. in the British isles. Watsonia 21, 179-186
Bailey, J.P., Child, L.E. & Conolly, A.P. 1996. A survey of the distribution of Fallopia x bohemica (Chrtek & Chrtova) J. Bailey (Polygonaceae) in the British Isles. Watsonia 21, 187-198
Notes. Watsonia 21 (1996), 199-210
- Rubus asperidens Sudre ex Bouvet (Rosaceae) in the British Isles. D.E. Allen.
- Arenaria balearica L. (Mossy Sandwort): observations on water-borne spread in Perthshire. R.W.M. Corner.
- The status of Spiranthes romanzoffiana Cham. (Orchidaceae), Irish Lady’s Tresses, on Colonsay (v.c. 102) in 1995; with special reference to associated plant communities. R.L. Gulliver.
- The correct authority for Lesser Chickweed, Stellaria pallida (Caryophyllaceae). R.R. Mill.
- Hydrocharis morsus-ranae L. (Hydrocharitaceae) fruited in Britain in 1995. C.D. Preston & M.D. March.
- Is Gentianella uliginosa (Willd.) Boerner (Gentianaceae) present in England? T.C.G. Rich.
Pearman, D. 1997. Presidential Address, 1996: towards a new definition of rare and scarce plants. Watsonia 21, 225-251
Notes. Watsonia 21 (1997), 283-298
- Blackstock, T.H. & Jones, R.A. Juncus capitatus Weigel (Juncaceae) rediscovered near its original locality in Anglesey (v.c. 52).
- Bull, A.L. & Newton, A. Rubus pannosus P.J. Mueller & Wirtgen (Rosaceae) in Britain.
- Fitzgerald, R., Field, G.D. & Chatters, C. The status of Pulicaria vulgaris Gaertner in Britain in 1995.
- Primavesi, A.L. A Wolley-Dod letter of historical interest.
- Reynolds, S.C.P. Alien plants at Foynes Port, Co. Limerick (v.c. H8), 1988-1994.
- Reynolds, S.C.P. The putative hybrid between two teasels, Dipsacus fullonum L. and D. sativus (L.) Honck. (Dipsacaceae) in Dublin (v.c. H21).
- Rich, T.C.G. Early Gentian (Gentianella anglica (Pugsley) E.F. Warb.) present in Wales.
- Rich, T.C.G., Rich, B.C. & Sturt, N.J. Notes on some early Sussex botanical records by Thomas Sockett (1777-1859).
Rich, T.C.G., Holyoak, D.T., Margetts, L.J. & Murphy, R.J. 1997. Hybridisation between Gentianella amarella (L.) Boerner and G. anglica (Pugsley) E.F. Warb. (Gentianaceae). Watsonia 21, 313-325
Fryer J. & Hylmö B. 1997: Five new species of Cotoneaster Medik. (Rosaceae) naturalised in Britain. Watsonia 21: 335–349
Crackles, F.E. 1997. Variation in some populations of Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler in the British Isles and the putative past hybridization with C. canescens (Wigg.) Roth. Watsonia 21, 341-354
Notes. Watsonia 21 (1997), 359-380
- The correct authority for Rubus melanodermis (Rosaceae). D.E. Allen
- The role of forestry plantings in the dispersal of bramble (Rubus L.) species. A.L. Bull.
- Rubus mercicus J.E. Bagnall refound. A.L. Bull & A. Newton.
- The ‘J.D.’ herbarium at Northampton museum. G. Crompton.
- The correct authority for Lesser Chickweed, Stellaria pallida (Caryophyllaceae). D.H. Kent.
- Contributions to a cytological catalogue of the British and Irish flora, 5. L. Montgomery, M. Khalaf, J.P. Bailey & R.J. Gornall.
- Carex humilis Leysser in Dorset (v.c. 9). D. Pearman.
- The taxonomic status of Dactylorhiza majalis (Rchb. fil.) P.F. Hunt & Summerh. subsp. traunsteineri (Saut. ex Rchb. fil.) H. Sund. var. bowmanii M.N. Jenk. R.H. Roberts & M.J.Y. Foley.
- Asplenium viride Hudson (Aspleniaceae) in Greater London. F.J. Rumsey.
- The distribution of brambles (Rubus spp.) in north-east Scotland. D. Welch.